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$BABYSUN MEME COIN who will be the king of memes. Dogs, cats, frogs and everything else are past their days, it's time for BabySun to take over the Meme Empire.


BabySun is already tired of seeing everyone playing hot potato with endless Shiba, Floki, Kishu, Cat, Babydoge, Bonk coins. They're past their prime. Now it's time for BabySun Meme Coin to take over his power as the king who will shake the internet.

BabySun 2

$BabySun Meme Coin is here to make memecoin even more powerful and passionate. Launched quietly with no pre-sales, no bullshit, the $BABYSUN MEME COIN is a coin for the community, forever. Fueled by pure meme power, so let $BABYSUN show you the way. Between us and our day-to-day lives.

Beli BabySun Meme coin crypto


1. Create Wallet

Download TRONLINK GLOBAL or the wallet of your choice from the app store or google play store for free.

2. Prepare some TRX

Have TRX in your wallet to switch to $BabySun. If you don't have TRX, you can buy directly in Trust, transfer from another wallet, or buy on another exchange and send it to your wallet.

3. Go to

Connect to open sunpump.memes in google chrome or in the browser inside your TRONLINK app. Connect your wallet. Paste the $BabySun token address into, select BabySun, and confirm. When your Wallet asks to sign your wallet, sign it.

4. Replace TRX with $ BabySun

Now exchange TRX for $ Babysun. We have a 2% tax so you don't have to worry about buying with high slippage, although you may need to use slippage during times of market volatility.

BabySun 3


Token Supply:




Buy 2%

Sell 2%

BabySun 3


Phase 1: BabySun is born

Phase 2: Getting nourish

Phase 3: Crying out loud shakes the wor

Phase 4: Taking over the Meme Kingdom


How to make a website SEO optimized?

How to make website SEO friendly

How to make a website SEO optimized? 

There are many ways to make a website SEO optimized. The most important thing is to have an SEO strategy before you start building your website. Here are some tips on how to do it:

1. Create a list of keywordsthat you want for your website ranking .

To create a list of desired keywords for your website to rank for, here are some steps you can follow:

A. Do keyword research : Use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ubersuggest to find keywords that are relevant to your niche or industry. Look for keywords with high search volume and moderate competition. 

B. Competitor analysis : Review your competitors’ websites and see what keywords they are targeting. Notice what keywords appear consistently and are relevant to your business. 

C. Set goals : Determine your business goals and priorities. Do you want to get the highest organic traffic on a particular product or service? Do you focus more on high-intent keywords to increase conversions? 

D. Categorize keywords : Open a spreadsheet document and create columns containing desired keywords, monthly search volume, difficulty level, and relevance to your business. 

E. Prioritize keywords : Sort keywords by importance and likelihood of success. Focus on keywords with high search volume and moderate difficulty. 

F. Create relevant content : Tailor your website content to the keywords you have determined. Make sure that the keywords appear naturally in the page title, meta description, page content, and image alt tags. 

G. Monitor and evaluate : Use analytics tools like Google Analytics or Google Search Console to monitor your keyword performance. Conduct regular evaluations and change your keyword strategy if necessary.

2. Make sure your page title, meta description, and alt tags are optimized for those keywords.

To make page titles, meta descriptions, and alt tags optimized for your website keywords, follow these steps:

A. Page Title :

- Place your keywords at the beginning of the page title, if possible.

- Use informative titles that clearly describe the contents of the page.

- Make sure the title remains relevant, interesting and captures the interest of users.

- Avoid excessive use of keywords or black-hat SEO methods that result in meaningless titles.

B. Meta Description :

- Include your keywords in the meta description, ideally at the beginning or in the middle of the sentence.

- Provide a clear description and invite users to click on your website link.

- Use sentences that are natural and explain the contents of the page well.

- Limit the description to around 150-160 characters to fit the search results display.

C. Day Old :

- Use keywords naturally in image alt tags.

- Make sure the alt tag accurately describes the content displayed in the image.

- If possible, put the keyword in front of the alt tag to give it more weight.

- Avoid excessive or irrelevant use of keywords in alt tags.

Keep in mind that while optimizing page titles, meta descriptions, and alt tags for keywords, do not sacrifice readability or force-stuff them with keywords. Make sure to keep your keyword usage authentic and natural and focus on providing value to users.

3. Insert keywords in the body of the content on your page.

To insert keywords in the body of a web page content, here are some steps you can follow:

A. Keyword research : Conduct keyword research to find words or phrases that are relevant to your web page topic and have good search volume. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush to help you with keyword research.

B. Content strategy : Create a proper content strategy for your web page. Determine the main topic of the web page and figure out how the keywords you have found can be naturally incorporated into the content.

C. Titles and Subtitles : Place keywords in the main title of your web page to provide context about the topic of the page. Additionally, use keywords in subheadings or subsections of the content to strengthen topic relevance.

E. Opening paragraph : Insert keywords naturally in the opening paragraph of your content. Use these keywords to provide an overview of the topics that will be discussed in the content.

F. Natural keyword usage : While writing content, look for natural opportunities to use keywords. Don't force or repeat keywords excessively. Make sure the content remains natural and provides value to the reader.

G. Informative and useful content : Focus on creating content that is useful and informative for users. Provide answers to frequently asked questions, provide solutions, or provide step-by-step guides. By providing good value to users, you can also increase the relevance of your web page to relevant keywords.

H. Internal embedding : Use keywords in internal links between pages within your content. This helps direct users’ attention to other pages on your website that are relevant to the same topic.

It is important to stay focused on the reader and provide content that benefits them, and use keywords naturally in the appropriate context. Over-optimizing keywords can hurt your website's ranking in search engines, so use keywords wisely and naturally.

4. Use related words and phrases in the links within your content.

To use related words and phrases in links within web content, you can follow these steps:

A. Identify related words and phrases : After conducting keyword research for your web content, determine related words and phrases that are relevant to the same topic. For example, if you are writing about “healthy diet tips”, related words and phrases may include “healthy food”, “exercise”, “fitness”, etc.

B. Choose relevant links : When writing content, find places where you can embed links related to the word or phrase. For example, in the sentence "To achieve effective weight loss, it is important to combine a healthy diet and regular exercise", you can embed a link on the word "healthy diet" that leads to a related article about healthy diet tips.

C. Use meaningful links : Make sure the links you use have a clear meaning and are easy for readers to understand. Avoid writing general links such as "click here" or "read more", but use more specific related words or phrases as much as possible. For example, you can use the link "Healthy diet tips" or "How to stay fit".

D. Optimize internal links : In addition to embedding external links, don't forget to use internal links that lead to other pages on your website. This helps link related content between pages and strengthens the structure of your website. Use related words or phrases on relevant internal links. For example, in an article about "healthy food", you can link to another page about "healthy food recipes".

E. Maintain readability and flow of content : It is important to maintain the flow and readability of the content when embedding links. Make sure that the links do not distract the reader or make the content feel forced. If possible, insert the links smoothly and naturally into the relevant paragraph.

By doing these steps, you can use related words and phrases in links within your web content in a natural and relevant way. This helps to increase the relevance of your content to the same topic and improves user experience.

5. Add social media sharing buttons

To add social media sharing buttons to your website, you can follow these steps:

A. Select the social media platform you want to add the share buttons to. Some commonly used platforms are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and WhatsApp.

B. Visit the official website of your chosen social media platform . Find and access the documentation or developer resources for the share buttons. Typically, this documentation will provide information on how to add share buttons that match the style and appearance of your website.

C. Once you have found a suitable resource, read and follow the instructions provided . A common approach is to use HTML or JavaScript code provided by the social media platform. You will need to copy and paste this code into your website page in the appropriate place.

D. Customize the look of your share buttons . Many social media platforms allow you to customize the look and size of your buttons to match your website design. Therefore, make sure you customize the look of your buttons to your liking.

E. Test and verify sharing buttons . Once you have added sharing buttons to your website, make sure to test and make sure that the sharing buttons are working properly. Try sharing your website pages via the sharing buttons and make sure that the content being shared is as you expected.

By following these steps, you can easily add social media sharing buttons to your website and allow users to easily share your content on the social media platforms they prefer. Be sure to choose the platforms that are most relevant to your audience.

6. Increase website loading speed

Here are some ways to improve website loading speed:

A. Optimize images : Large image file sizes usually slow down page load times. Use an image compressor or image editing tool to optimize image file sizes without sacrificing quality. Also, use the right image format like JPEG or PNG to optimize file sizes.

B. Using browser caching : Utilizing browser caching allows users to store copies of website pages in their cache. This reduces the number of server requests and page load times.

C. Optimize CSS, HTML, and JavaScript code : Remove unnecessary code, combine and compress CSS and JavaScript files, and use efficient HTML to reduce page loading time.

D. Using CDN (Content Delivery Network) : Using CDN distributes website content to servers in different geographic locations. This allows website content to be accessed faster by users in different regions.

E. Reduce server requests : Reduce the number of server requests by combining CSS and JavaScript files, avoiding the use of many fonts and plugins, and minimizing the use of background images.

F. Optimize the server : Make sure your website hosting server has the right configuration and is performing well to ensure fast page loading times.

G. Updating platforms and plugins : Make sure you are using the latest versions of the platforms and plugins used on your website. The latest versions are usually optimized for better performance.

H. Using compression formats such as Gzip : Using compression algorithms such as Gzip can reduce the size of files sent from the server to the user, thereby speeding up page load times.

I. Using a fast website loading service : If you feel your website is still slow, consider using a fast website loading service such as Google AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) or WordPress caching plugins.

By implementing these steps, you can improve your website's loading speed, provide a better user experience, and help improve your website's SEO ranking.

7. Make sure your website is mobile friendly

Here are some ways to create a mobile-friendly website:

A. Responsive design : Make sure your website is designed with a responsive design, which means the appearance and layout of the site will adjust to the device the user is using, such as a smartphone or tablet. This will ensure the website looks good and is functional on all devices.

B. Image optimization : Make sure the images on your website are optimized for fast loading on mobile devices. Use proper image formats, smaller file sizes, and image compression to reduce page load times.

C. Use legible fonts : Choose fonts that are easy to read on mobile devices. Use appropriate font sizes and styles to keep text legible on small screens.

D. Avoid using Flash : Avoid using Flash elements on your website, as they are not compatible with many mobile devices, and can slow down page loading times.

E. Fast loading time : Make sure your website has a fast loading time. Use caching and gzip compression to reduce the size of files sent from the server to mobile devices.

F. Organize content well : Organize your website content with a good layout for easy reading and navigation on mobile devices. Use logical grouping, clear headings, and easy-to-access navigation.

G. Avoid intrusive popups : Avoid using intrusive popups on mobile devices, as this can make the user experience unpleasant. If you must use popups, make sure they work well on small screens.

H. Test your website on mobile devices : Make sure to test your website on a variety of mobile devices to ensure good display and functionality. Use an emulator or physical device if possible.

I. Pay attention to page loading speed : Make sure your website has a fast loading time on mobile devices. Optimize the code, images, and content of the website to ensure efficient loading time.

By implementing these practices, you can create a mobile-friendly website, provide an optimal user experience, and increase user retention on mobile devices.

8. Optimize your images by compressing and using alt tags.

Here are some ways to optimize web images by compressing and using alt tags:

A. Image compression : Use an image compression tool like TinyPNG or JPEGmini to reduce the file size of your images without sacrificing their visual quality. This will allow your images to load faster on mobile devices.

B. Using the right file format : Choose an image file format that is appropriate for the type of content your image contains. JPEG is usually better for photos with lots of detail, while PNG is better for images with text or transparent graphic elements.

C. Optimal image size : Set the image size according to the display requirements on mobile devices. If the image will not be displayed at full size, create a smaller version and use CSS responsive features to resize it when opened on mobile devices.

D. Use of alt tags : Make sure every image on your website has a relevant alt attribute. This will help search engines understand the content of the image and also provide an alternative description for users who cannot see the image, such as those using screen readers.

E. Responsive images : Use the HTML tags "srcset" and "sizes" to deliver images that are appropriate to the size and resolution of the device used by the user. This will ensure that the images display properly and fit the screen of the mobile device.

F. Using lazy loading : Use lazy loading technique to load images only when needed as the user scrolls the page. This will help save bandwidth and speed up page load time.

G. Image cache : Use caching techniques to store images in the browser cache, so that when the user returns to the same page, the image does not need to be reloaded.

By optimizing web images using the techniques above, you can improve page load times and user experience for mobile devices.

9. Include relevant, high-quality content on your website

Here are some tips for creating high-quality, relevant content on your website:

A. Know your target audience : Understanding and identifying who your target audience is is key to creating relevant content. Research and analyze their demographics, interests, and preferences to understand what they are looking for and what will catch their attention.

B. Conduct keyword research: Knowing relevant keywords in your industry is essential to creating SEO-optimized content. Use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner or UberSuggest to find keywords with high search volume and lower competition.

C. Create unique and original content : Avoid copying or reproducing content from other sources. Create content that is unique, original, and provides new information, ideas, or perspectives that are valuable to your audience. This will increase your authority as a trusted source of information.

D. Focus on quality over quantity : It is better to create a few high-quality pieces of content than a lot of meaningless content. Make sure that each piece of content you create adds value and is relevant to your site visitors.

E. Use a variety of content formats : Use a variety of content formats such as articles, blogs, infographics, videos, podcasts, or step-by-step guides. This will help you reach audiences with different content consumption preferences.

F. Pay attention to layout and design : Make sure the layout and design of your content pages are attractive and easy to navigate. Use subheadings, bolded bullet points, and short paragraphs to make it easier for readers to read and understand the content.

G. Include additional resources : If possible, include additional resources such as links to related articles, case study research, or downloadable ebooks. This will provide additional value to your site visitors and demonstrate your authority in the field.

H. Monitor and analyze performance : Monitor the performance of your content using web analytics tools such as Google Analytics. This data analysis will help you understand whether the content you create is effective in reaching your target audience and delivering the desired results.

By paying attention to the quality and relevance of the content you create, you can improve the user experience and increase your visitors' engagement and conversion rates.

10. Optimize your URL structure

Here are some ways to optimize your web URL structure:

A. Use descriptive URLs : Create URLs that clearly describe the content of the web page. Avoid using random numbers or characters in the URL. For example, would be better than

B. Insert keywords : Whenever possible, include relevant keywords in the URL. This will help search engines and visitors quickly understand what the page is about. However, don't overdo the keyword usage to keep it looking natural and easy to read.

C. Use hyphens (-) to separate words : Use hyphens (-) to separate each word in the URL. This makes it easier for visitors and search engines to read and understand the URL. Avoid using underscores (_) or other hard-to-read characters.

D. Short and concise : Try to create a short and concise URL. Long and complicated URLs can be confusing for visitors and also difficult to remember. Use only important words that are relevant to the page.

E. Avoid using dynamic parameters : Dynamic parameters like ?id=12345 in URLs are not search engine friendly. If possible, replace them with SEO friendly URLs, such as using the page title or relevant keywords instead.

F. Use lowercase letters : Use lowercase letters in URLs for consistency and practicality. Search engines treat uppercase and lowercase letters as different characters in URLs. So, using lowercase letters ensures that your URLs remain consistent and don’t result in a lot of duplicate copies.

G. Avoid excessive use of conjunctions : Use conjunctions (such as "and", "or", "at", etc.) wisely in URLs. Too many conjunctions can make URLs long and confusing.

H. Redirect old URLs : If you change the URL structure on an existing page, be sure to set up a redirect from the old URL to the new URL. This helps avoid 404 Not Found errors and maintains search engine rankings.

Properly optimizing your web URL structure can help improve your page's visibility in search engine results. It also makes it easier for visitors to understand what to expect from the page.

11. Create an XML sitemap and submit it to search engines.

Here are the steps to create an XML sitemap that can be submitted to search engines:

A. Identify your website structure : Review your website structure and determine all the pages you want to list in the XML sitemap. Make sure you include all home pages, category pages, product/service pages, blog pages, and other relevant pages.

B. List URLs : List all the URLs of the pages you want to include in the XML sitemap. Be sure to use the full URLs, including the protocol (http:// or https://) and domain (for example,

C. Use a sitemap generator tool : There are many online sitemap generator tools that can help you create an XML sitemap easily. Some popular tools include, Screaming Frog, or the Yoast SEO plugin (for the Wordpress platform). Choose the tool that best suits your needs and follow the instructions provided by the tool.

D. Specify indexing frequency : When creating an XML sitemap, you can also include information about the indexing frequency and importance of the pages. For example, you can specify whether the pages are updated daily, weekly, or infrequently. This helps search engines prioritize indexing of those pages.

E. Upload XML sitemap : Once you are done creating the XML sitemap, save the file as “sitemap.xml”. Then, upload this file to your website’s root directory using FTP or via your hosting management panel.

F. Submit your XML sitemap to search engines : Visit the management/webmaster tools page of the search engine you want to submit (e.g. Google Search Console, Bing Webmaster Tools). Log in to your account (or create one if you don’t have one) and follow the instructions to submit your XML sitemap. In Google Search Console, you will also need to verify ownership of your site by inserting a verification code into your website pages.

G. Update and resubmit the sitemap : Every time you add or remove pages from your website, it is important to update the XML sitemap and resubmit it to the search engines. This ensures that the search engines always have an up-to-date list of all the pages on your website.

Creating and submitting an XML sitemap to search engines helps improve the readability and indexing of your website. It also makes it easier for search engines to discover new pages and better follow the structure of your website.

12. Build high quality and relevant backlinks to your website

Here are some steps to build high-quality and relevant backlinks to your website:

A. Identify authoritative websites : Look for websites that have authority and a good reputation in your industry or niche. These websites should have high-quality content and lots of visitors. These could be government websites, leading media websites, leading industry blogs, or websites that rank high in search engines.

B. Create quality content : Quality content is the key to building high-quality backlinks. Create content that is relevant, informative, and engaging to your target audience. Write in-depth articles, guides, case studies, or visual content that grabs attention. Make sure your content is truly useful to your readers and provides the solutions or information they are looking for.

C. Offer guest posting content : Contact authoritative websites that are relevant to the content you want to write and offer to create guest content for them. Make sure you offer high-quality articles that are relevant to the topics that the website's readers are interested in. Don't forget to include a backlink to your website in the guest article.

D. Leverage third-party resources : There are several third-party resources that can help you build high-quality backlinks. You can use social media, industry directories, discussion forums, and link exchange platforms to attract other websites to your site.

E. Look for outreach opportunities : If you have specialized knowledge or expertise in your industry, look for opportunities to be a source for relevant articles or interviews. Websites looking for sources of information will often provide a backlink to your website as a sign of recognition of your expertise.

F. Participate in online communities : Join online communities that are relevant to your industry or niche. These can be discussion forums, social media groups, or community blogs. Share your knowledge and experiences, and be sure to include a link to your website when relevant and permitted by the community rules.

G. Monitor and evaluate your backlinks : Once you have successfully built backlinks, it is important to monitor and evaluate their quality and effectiveness. Use tools like Google Search Console or Moz to track your backlinks, identify broken or irrelevant backlinks, and take action if necessary (e.g., requesting bad backlinks to be removed).

Building high-quality, relevant backlinks takes patience, time, and consistent effort. Make sure you focus on quality over quantity, and stick to ethical guidelines and search engine rules when building backlinks.

13. Update and maintain your website regularly to keep it optimized and updated with search engine algorithms.

Here are some steps to regularly update and maintain your website to keep it optimized and updated with search engine algorithms:

A. Update content regularly : Up-to-date and relevant content is essential to keep your website optimized. Make sure you update old content that is no longer relevant, add new content, and get rid of unnecessary pages. Always focus on providing added value to visitors with interesting and useful content.

B. Pay attention to internal and external links : Conduct regular audits to ensure that the internal and external links on your website are still working properly. Make sure that internal links point to relevant and useful pages, and external links point to relevant and authoritative websites. If there are any broken or irrelevant links, fix or remove them.

D. Optimize the technical aspects of the website : Make sure your website is well optimized in terms of speed, responsiveness, and organized URL structure. The better the technical performance of your website, the better your chances of ranking high in search engines. Use tools like Google PageSpeed ​​Insights, Google Search Console, and Lighthouse to analyze and improve the technical aspects of your website.

E. Review meta tags and descriptions : Make sure every page on your website has relevant meta tags and informative descriptions. This helps search engines understand the content of the page and increases your site's chances of appearing in relevant search results. Also, don't forget to optimize the page URLs with relevant keywords.

F. Monitor relevant keywords : Monitor relevant keywords for your website and see how your website rankings evolve over time. Conduct keyword research regularly to identify new trends and changes that matter in your industry. By adjusting your keyword strategy, you can ensure that your website remains relevant to search engine algorithms.

G. Pay attention to user experience : Good user experience is an important factor in website ranking in search engines. Make sure your website is easy to navigate, loads quickly, and is responsive across devices. Provide easy-to-read content, an attractive layout, and relevant interactive features.

H. Monitor search engine algorithm developments : Make sure you stay on top of search engine algorithm changes and updates, especially from major search engines like Google. Read trusted sources and industry chatter to understand the latest changes and trends. By understanding algorithm changes, you can adjust your website to stay in line with the latest search engine requirements.

I. Website data and metrics analysis : Use analytics tools like Google Analytics to monitor your website’s performance. Website data and metrics analysis helps you track traffic, visitor behavior, and conversion rates. By looking at this data, you can identify areas for improvement and optimize your website further.

Updating and maintaining a website regularly is an ongoing process. It takes consistency and effort to ensure your website stays optimized and updated with changing search engine algorithms. 

14. Track and analyze your website performance using SEO tools and make necessary adjustments to improve rankings.

Here are some steps to track and analyze website performance using SEO tools and make necessary adjustments to improve rankings:

A. Using SEO analysis tools : Use SEO analysis tools like Google Analytics, SEMrush, Moz, or Ahrefs to track and collect data about your website’s performance. These tools will provide information about your website traffic, visitor behavior, keywords that bring traffic, links pointing to your website, and more. You can also monitor keyword rankings and see how your website is performing compared to competitors.

B. Analyze organic traffic : Pay attention to the amount of organic traffic your website receives from search engines. Check the keywords that drive organic traffic and see if there is an upward or downward trend in this traffic. If there is a decrease, identify possible causes such as algorithm changes, ranking drops, or technical issues.

C. Track conversions : Identify conversion goals on your website such as sales, newsletter subscriptions, or form fills. Use analytics tools to track conversions and measure success rates. This analysis helps you understand the quality of traffic your website receives and identify areas for improvement or adjustment.

D. Check keyword rankings : Identify relevant keywords for your website and use SEO tools to track your rankings in search engines. Review ranking changes over time and identify potential improvements. If your rankings are dropping, try analyzing your keywords again, fixing your meta tags and descriptions, and improving content relevance.

E. Monitor inbound links : Pay attention to the links pointing to your website and make sure they are from relevant and authoritative websites. Use SEO tools to track and monitor inbound links. If there are any broken or low-quality links, take corrective steps such as contacting the site owner and requesting a fix or removing irrelevant links.

F. Analyze visitor behavior : Understand visitor behavior on your website, including the most visited pages, dwell rates, average time spent on site, and conversion rates on each page. Identify what works and what needs improvement. For example, if there is a page that has a high exit rate, fix or improve its content to increase visitor engagement.

G. Follow industry trends : Stay up-to-date with the latest trends in your industry and analyze how your website performs compared to competitors. Review successful competitor websites to learn the strategies they use. Take necessary improvements or changes based on this analysis.

H. Continuously improve and adjust : The data and analysis obtained through SEO tools should guide you in making adjustments and improvements to your website. Continuously conduct keyword research, optimize meta tags and descriptions, fix broken links, improve technical performance, and develop relevant content. Regularly monitor and fix pages that are experiencing a drop in rankings or poor performance.

Using SEO tools to track and analyze website performance is an important step in keeping your site optimized and improving your search engine rankings. With careful analysis, you can make the necessary adjustments and improvements to get better results.


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